Saturday, 27 October 2012

Bloggers Quilt Festival

Someone I follow I noticed has entered this:

so I have decided to enter a quilt too.

I haven't been sewing quilts for long - ok I did a couple a few years ago when my boys were little, but really its only been since I finished a Mandy Shaw hand quilted quilt this year that I suddenly have gone mad and made six large bed size quilts and numerous small quilts - yes all since May.

Anyway I thought I would enter this quilt into this festival:

You need to enter a quilt with a story so here is mine: I discovered quilt blog hopping in June and took part and showcased my first quilts in July.  Since then I have made 28 quilts (19 have already been showcased and my next 9 are due to be showcased on Wednesday).  This one is part of my second blog hop - Think Christmas.  I won a fabulous prize of 32 fat quarters of wonderful Christmas fabrics which took seven weeks to arrive from across the pond (Canada to England) so you can imagine the excitement when they finally got here! 

Until then I had never realised that there was such a fun set of quilters out in the big wide world (I get together with 3 or 4 friends regularly to sew and we go to quilt shows together (yesterday been one of those days!) but other than that I haven't particularly looked further afield.  My online friends (which are many) are mainly all papercrafters which is the other creative passion of mine.

However since July I have found a wonderful new community of friends - again both online and in real life - who encourage, help, guide and share this wonderful hobby with me.  It's such fun - it's just a shame I now need a bigger house to keep all my quilts in!

My quilt details are:

Measurements: 12.5" x 12.5"
Techiques used: Dyed fabric, appliqueing of my own designs, yoyos for snowman (had only just worked out how to make these!)
Quilted by: Me
Best Category: Favourite applique quilt, favourite home machine quilted quilt, favourite quilt photo, favourite mini quilt and favourite wall hanging (I can't wait until 1st December when I can hang this on my wall to look at everyday for five weeks!).

The link to the festival is here at Amys Creative Side - such a wonderful blog to have found!

Thanks for looking - All shopped out and inspired from the Quilt show yesterday from Solihull


Angie said...

I love this ...I so want to quilt but I need to master a sewing machine first lol.
You had a great space below ... sorry i missed you on the trip through the links ...I cant manage the whole trip.
Good luck with all your quilting ...maybe you will win some more goodies.xx#79

Lara said...

Wow :) you have been prolific! When do you sleep? Very cute mini!

Jitka said...

It is very funny mini quilt!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wow, that's a fantastic piece of art.

quilthexle said...

What a lovely quilt - love the reindeer on the roof ;-))

Rachaeldaisy said...

Such a cute little quilt. I love the reindeer on the roof too.

CitricSugar said...

That's so cute!

Seams Sew Together said...

So So cute, I love it!!

Denise in PA said...

So cute! You've really made up for lost time with quilting! o:) Isn't going to quilt shows with friends just the best?!

Barb said...

Cute Christmas Quilt - so fun!

Quilting Babcia said...

Your quilt is so cute! Sounds like you've been bitten by the quilting bug!

Dorothy said...

Your quilt is adorable. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Quilting really is addictive!

Teje Karjalainen said...

This is so beautiful and fun Christmas quilt! x Teje

Carla said...

Your quilt is darling! Isn't the blogging community great? I so look forward to checking out my favourites each week. Happy quilting. Look forward to seeing all your quilts. I am your newest follower.

canuckquilter said...

Vey cute! Welcome to the quilting world :)

Snoodles said...

That is absolutely the cutest Christmas mini ever! I love it! So glad you are a part of this fantastic community of quilters...thank you for stopping by at Lilypadquilting, and I'm very happy you entered the show!

Jan said...

Love you little quilt.

Kendra from missknittas studio said...

Oh my goodness, this is adorable! I am in awe of the applique and I can see why you won the prize :)

Heather D. said...

It's so adorable!!

Lisa said...

Your small quilt is so cute, I just love it! I love Christmas!

moira said...


Lori S said...

I love how you set up your photo. Very cute!

Jocelyn said...

Very cute! You did a great job!

Sew Lovins said...

So cute...Love the little legs!

Jennifer said...

This one made me laugh because of Santa being stuck in the chimney!

Cherilyn said...

Love Santa's feet! Super cute mini quilt!

Anonymous said...

Your zzzzzzz..s brought a smile to my face, - lovely quilt. You really have accomplished a lot since you started quilting :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fun! What a great mini!

Persimon Dreams said...

so cute! fabulous for the holiday!

Jennie {Clover and Violet} said...

I love your quilt and story!

Heidi Grohs said...

So, so CUTE! I can't believe your list! I am tired reading it!!!!

The "zzzzz"'s slay me! Perfect!!!

Kate said...

Very cute and very fun! Beautifully done.