Wednesday 19 December 2012


Happy Christmas everyone!

Haven't joined in so much this year as I really haven't been as creative as I usually am but I have had so much fun when I have - not much on my desk this week:

am still struggling to get creative - in fact yesterday I wrote out a list of things I need to get done as I had a free afternoon and I still couldn't muster up the enthusiasm so I read a book instead!  That little pile of stuff in the middle is some new goodies I have to play with - kraft glassine, the Tim Spooky sizzix die, the two T!m snowflake dies (not new but so need to make my little Christmas trees still!) and some art parts.  The pile behind are my Christmas cards, no idea how that Santa hat got there and the pink pile at the back is a basket I have been crocheting - I have only just learnt how to crochet and I didn't have a pattern to follow so it's a bit rubbish but it will do the job!

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and new year.

If you want to join in the blog hopping fun then pop over to Julias.

Thanks for looking and keeping with me throughout 2012 - All ready for Christmas from Solihull


sandra de said...

Love the tags you have posted previously. hope you mojo returns and you get into the creative process. Have a lovely christmas break.
Sandra. @17

Helen said...

I too caught sight of the tags - fabulous! Happy Christmas and hope you feel creative again soon. Helen, 3

Anonymous said...

Ha I also love the Tags!!
I know all about lack of Mojo :( Mine seems to have up and gone also:(
Hope our creativity will return soon.
Have a happy Christmas
WOYWW Silvia #40

MrsC.x said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
TFS Happy WOYWW Mrs.C.xx #34

Annie said...

I'm just dropping in to say....
May you have a wonderful Christmas filled with everything that makes you happy.
A x #38

Eliza said...

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you. Your mojo will come back and when it does there will be no stopping you. At least you have the right idea if you can't craft read, it is far better than housework.

Cyber hugs to you

Carole said...

Cute Santa hat. I hope you find some joy and inspiration.
Have a very Merry Christmas Carole #58

Laura said...

Hope you get a new mojo for Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours

Minxy said...

Sorry to hear your creativity is lacking, hope it returns soon x
Happy WOYWW & wishing u A Very Happy Christmas too x
Hugz Minxy #57

Krisha said...

Sending you some MOJO right NOW!!with a Mery Mery Christmas!
Krisha #78

505whimsygirl said...

I didn't get as much done as I wanted to either. I was a total slacker as far as making Christmas cards..... oh, but I see the tag in the post below. I need to go check that out!

I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas!
Kay #84

The House of Bears said...

Just popped by to wish you a happy Christmas from all at The House of Bears :)

Andrea said...

hope you find your mojo in your new purchases, fab Santa hat made me chuckle. hanks for visiting too and your kind comment.Have a wonderful time over the festive period and best wishes Andrea x #6

lisa said...

I could just do with that Santa hat for my Christmas dinner at school tomorrow, it looks great.
Good on you for doing what you want instead of what you feel you should be doing. Nothing wrong with a good book.
Happy Christmas and a Crafty New Year.
Hugs Lisax #44

Antonia said...

love your "scooshy faced" santa and hope your mojo finds its way home soon
Happy Christmas
Toni #52

Julia Dunnit said...

I think a break from one part of crafting is a good thing...and it's not as if you. Haven't been exercising your crafty fingers....crochet and reading are great'll wander back into it and pick up where you left off! Happy Christmas!

Redanne said...

I think we all suffer the same as you are, but when Mr Mojo comes back I bet he does so with a vengeance! Crochet is fun and reading is very productive so good substitutes I say. Love that Santa hat, he is a cutie! Thanks for your visit earlier. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas break. Hugs, Anne x #20

Nikki said...

Cute Santa I'm sure you'll get your mojo back soon :)
have a Merry Christmas hugs Nikki #5

Caro said...

There looks to be an interesting pile of goodies waiting for your mojo to return...hopefully you will find inspiration over Christmas. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a very Happy Christmas. Caro (#65)

Neet said...

You are not alone with the non-festive motivation and I too am hastily reading a book which I don't really want to put down. it has 580 pages though so is a thick one. Love that Father Christmas, great face he has.
Somehow the lead up to the day has not been the same as previously, wonder what it is?
Hugs and wishes for a Merry (Motivated) Christmas for both of us.
Hugs, Net xx 12

Missus Wookie said...

I've just about finished and am hoping the mojo comes back while I''m off - hope it does for you too.

New T!M dies are on my Christmas list... hoping Santa chose them ;)

RosA said...

Thanks for dropping by and for your kind comment. I really do appreciate it. LOVE that blue tag (above post)!
Happy Christmas and happy (late) WOYWW!

okienurse said...

beautiful tag. Glad the mojo is back. Just stopping by to say I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Blessings to you and your family in the coming year. Vickie #100

Tertia said...

Glad to see that mr. Mojo decided to visit, love the tag. Your desk looks really tidy.
Happy belated WOYWW and may you and your family have a blessed Christmas.
Tertia #15

SueH said...

I know I’ve not joined in with WOYWW just recently but I’ll be back in the new year for sure.

I just wanted to pop by to say thanks for all the fun and inspiration you’ve shared over the last year and to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
